Bregenz, Austria

Sept 24, 2012

The best-laid plans of mice and men - and your intrepid travel reporter - sometimes get overruled by Mother Nature.

Today we started out towards what we thought (incorrectly, it turned out) to be a nature preserve of some sort.

After about 800 meters, the skies opened.

So we hauled out our brand-new Swiss umbrellas, and trudged in a somewhat different direction, basically circling back to the hotel via the coast line, for almost 5 kms worth of stroll.

The Google Earth view of the trek.

Not too much to report. The funky stage set is still in the process of being dismantled. But we did find this interesting tree - even though it appears that much of its core has disappeared, it is still growing leaves.

We did some shopping for souvenirs. One of the tshirts that we did not buy had a big yellow kangaroo crossing sign on it (one much like some of my kin have seen in person, probably), with verbiage to the effect that there are no kangaroos in Austria. A teeny chuckle!

At the time of this writing, Stephen has gone for another walk, in search of a little forest that we found on Google Earth. And I'm sitting here, writing this up, on Tylenol.

The weather forecast for these parts doesn't look too promising at all, so we may leave here early and head off to Zurich, for the last portion of our vacation.

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