Montreal, Sept 11, 2012

Sept 11, 2012

We're on our way to Europe, with a short stay in Montreal, where we arrived last night around suppertime.

Today, we spent a bit of time at the Mount Royal Cemetery, visiting the resting place of Stephen's parents.

Then we wandered to the town of Hudson, west of Montreal. This is where Stephen went to high school, and a place with fond memories for him.

But, more importantly, we went to visit an old friend of Stephen's family. We had a delightful time with her. She showed us her house, which is approaching a couple of centuries old! Many, many paintings by her brother-in-law. She is also an obvious collector of displayed figurines - and local stray cats! She treated us to lunch, at a place that is recognized as one of the best restaurants around.

Afterwards, she took us for a little stroll to the local yacht club, where she is a lifetime member, having worked there for years and years.

Then, off we went for some geocaching. We aimed for one, and found it. And found that there was a nature trail right there. So off we trod. It was a little loop of a trail, with some branches off of it. The track was only 1.6 kms long, but it sure was a pretty place.

First, the Google Earth view of the trek. We parked at the leftmost part of the track.

The trail signage is interesting - depending on which part of the trail you are on, you are on a different trail!

And finally, here are some views of the trail.

Tomorrow, we fly to Zurich, leaving here around suppertime. We may check out more of the Montreal area earlier in the day.
