Lake Lucerne

Sept 18, 2012

Today we decided to relax a bit and take a cruise around Lake Lucerne, or at least part of it.

But on the way to the dock, we came across a farmer's market. And couldn't resist taking a few photos of the wares on display.

We figure that those wooden containers in the last photo have been around for years or maybe decades!

Anyway, we headed off to the dock, and got tickets for a 3-hour cruise, taking off in mere moments. What luck!

This is the Google Earth shot of the track - just over 40 kms long, starting and ending at the top. The bottom end is right by where we started the Mt. Pilatus cogwheel train ride the other day. Most of the passengers disembarked here, and few got on, which meant the outbound crowds gave way to a good selection of seats for the return trip.

Some photos of Lucerne.

Some views of Mt. Pilatus - it is a prominent mountain, and Lucerne is pretty well right at its feet. In the first of these, you can see the hotel complex at the top, if you squint your eyes just right, looking between the pointy-haired-boss-like-points. The second one is just a close-up of the complex. The third is another side of the mountain.

The only reason that this photo is in here is because it has a moody feel to it.

A country hillside, complete with sheep.

And this was an interesting sight. Off in the distance, I could see what looked like the Swiss flag on the mountain.

I was actually able to zoom in. Not sure if this is paint or a tarp or what. I tried to see it using Google Earth to no avail. So I'm puzzled.

After our tour, we had lunch, and wandered the streets of old Lucerne, looking for reasons to spend our hard-earned retirement income.

We have not yet planned tomorrow.

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