Kressbronn, Germany

Sept 22, 2012

We went to bed last night to the sound of rain drops. This morning, it was still raining. My knees shouted "Hallelujah!!". No walking today.

So instead, we decided to go for a drive into Germany. One of the reasons was to check out a possible route for Stephen to take for a bike ride.

We figured that at least we'd be able to see some scenery, like the lake. Nope! The road we took was too far away. We tried to get closer, but there were still houses and trees between us and the lake. Finally, after almost 20 kms, we landed at a small parking lot right beside the lake and a park, close to a ferry landing pier. No ferry, though.

But just as we were about to grab our brollies and go for a little lakeshore stroll, we noticed the please-pay-here machine. And we had insufficient coinage on us. Actually, all we had was one 5 cent piece, and the minimum that the machine would accept was a 10 cent piece. So we headed back to the hotel.

But before we did that, Stephen leaped out of the car with camera in hand, and took a couple of pictures. These are the views from the thriving metropolis of Kressbronn. Yep - not a whole lot of view, unless you're into low-hanging clouds.

And here is the Google Earth view of our drive. The turquoise line is our drive. The skinny jaggedy yellow line heading off into the upper right corner is the border between Austria and Germany.

The plan is that by tomorrow both the rain and the pain will let up, and we can go for another stroll.

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