
Sept 16, 2012

Today was a good day to wander through the streets of old Lucerne. It appears that much of the local population thought it was a good idea too! The streets were quite crowded, even though most of the stores were closed.

So the photo gallery for today just shows things that caught our eyes.

First, a funky statue of a rustic shepherd.

The famous wooden bridge. The white specks in the water are swans.

We noticed quite a few buildings with some serious artwork on the outside.

The great wall of Lucerne. Here is an informative website. We could only walk along the top for a short section. It appears that the rest has the original path construction, much too narrow and without a guardrail. The powers that be put a walkway with guardrail linking only 3 towers. Stephen checked out the top of one of the towers. The stairs were incredibly steep and narrow, and my knees just don't like that!

While walking on the wall, we observed this house abutting the wall - that's a cool roof garden.

Then, we noticed a field with farm-type animals in them - this is basically right in the middle of the city. Calgary would definitely not permit such farmliness.

Now, the big question is: what ARE these animals? We thought the first ones were sheep or goats, until they lifted their heads and showed their long necks. They look somewhat llama-like. The second photo is of one of a herd of 4 cattle-looking animals, except that they have serious long hair. Yaks, maybe? Dunno!

And, of course, a pretty flower of which I don't know the name.

Tomorrow, back to some real hiking. And the good new is that we figured out the appropriate word for laundromat, and found one a block or so away - and that's a good thing!

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